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How to make Fitness App in 2024: Process, Costs and Functionality

As we move towards an increasingly digitized world, the fitness industry is no exception. Fitness apps have become an indispensable tool for health-conscious individuals, transforming smartphones into personal trainers. This article will guide you on how to make a fitness app, unraveling the necessary steps, showcasing the key features, and shedding light on the associated costs.

miko lehman
Miko Lehman
CEO @ GMI Software
22 May 2024 13 MIN OF READING
How to make Fitness App

As we move towards an increasingly digitized world, the fitness industry is no exception. Fitness apps have become an indispensable tool for health-conscious individuals, transforming smartphones into personal trainers. This article will guide you on how to make a fitness app, unraveling the necessary steps, showcasing the key features, and shedding light on the associated costs.

The Surge of the Fitness App Market

The fitness app market has witnessed an exponential growth, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fitness enthusiasts have turned to these apps as a convenient and personalized alternative to traditional gyms and fitness centers. The global fitness app market was valued at USD 2801.48 million in 2021, with a projected expansion at a CAGR of 30.91% to reach USD 14102.49 million by 2027. This impressive surge is attributed to the increasing emphasis on healthy lifestyles, the convenience offered by these apps, and the innovative features that cater to diverse fitness needs.

Navigating the Landscape of Fitness Apps

Before you delve into how to create a fitness app, it’s crucial to understand the different types of fitness apps available. This will help you identify your target audience, define your unique value proposition, and determine your app’s core functionality.

Type of Fitness AppDescription
On-demand Fitness AppsOffer workouts accessible anytime, accommodating diverse schedules and fitness levels, led by professional trainers.
AI-based Fitness AppsLeverage artificial intelligence to provide personalized workout and nutrition plans based on user data and workout history.
Personal Fitness AppsProvide personalized workout plans, activity tracking, and performance feedback, including goal setting and progress tracking.
Nutrition and Diet AppsFocus on diet management with meal plans, food trackers, and detailed nutritional information.
Mental Health and Wellness AppsEmphasize mental well-being with features like guided meditations, stress management strategies, and sleep tracking.
Move-to-Earn AppsReward users for physical activity with tokens or points, which can be used for in-app purchases or traded for rewards.
Virtual Reality Fitness AppsUse virtual reality to create interactive and engaging workout experiences in a virtual environment.
Community-based Fitness AppsCreate a social platform for fitness enthusiasts to share progress, participate in challenges, and offer support.
Fitness Shopping AppsOffer a platform for users to shop for fitness equipment, apparel, and related products.
Fitness Tracking AppsConnect with wearables or phone sensors to monitor and record physical activity data.

Building Your Fitness App: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have a clear understanding of the different types of fitness apps, let’s walk through the process of how to make a fitness app.

Step 1: Define Your Niche

The first step in creating your fitness app is to identify your niche. Your app’s niche will determine its primary features and functionality. Whether it’s a personal fitness app, a nutrition app, or a community-based fitness app, defining your niche will guide the rest of your development process.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

Once you have defined your niche, conduct extensive market research to understand the current market trends and your competitors. This will help you identify gaps in the market and opportunities for innovation.

Step 3: Assemble Your Team

For a successful fitness app development project, you’ll need a team of professionals with expertise in app development, UI/UX design, and fitness. Your team should be capable of turning your idea into a functional and visually appealing app.

Step 4: Design and Develop Your App

With your team assembled, it’s time to start designing and developing your app. This involves creating wireframes, designing the user interface, developing the app’s back end, and testing the app for functionality and usability.

Step 5: Launch and Maintain Your App

Once your app is fully developed and tested, it’s time to launch it on the app stores. But the work doesn’t stop there; you’ll need to continuously update and maintain your app to ensure it remains relevant and functional.

Creating a UI/UX design for a fitness app in 2023 involves blending modern trends with functional usability to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. Here are key trends and strategies to consider:

Intuitive User Experience

The design should prioritize smooth and effortless navigation. While various styles can be employed, the focus should be on integrating these elements skillfully to create a cohesive, user-centered design that resonates with your product’s objectives and target audience. This involves mapping out the typical user journey to ensure all actions and steps are intuitively understandable​​.

how to make fitness app
Fitness App Design Concept Source: Dribbble

Consistency in Design

Your app’s UI/UX should maintain consistency across colors, typography, and layout to create a harmonious experience. Even if a mix of styles is used, consistency is key to a unified user experience​​.

Incorporate Text and Sound

Thoughtful and well-crafted text guides users through the interface, providing clarity and establishing a brand voice. Sound effects, like a click or a chime, can enhance engagement and bring an extra touch of delight to the user experience​​.

Seamless Adaptivity

The design must be adaptive across various devices and platforms. Ensure that all screens and elements adjust perfectly to different screen sizes and orientations for an optimal viewing experience​​.


Embrace minimalism as it continues to be a dominant trend. With users often overwhelmed by information, a minimalist design with limited colors and straightforward compositions can make the app more user-friendly and visually appealing​​.

Blurred, Colorful Backgrounds

Stylish and sophisticated, the use of blurred and light gradients with multiple colors can add depth and interest to the design. However, be mindful of the intensity of gradients to avoid a dated look​​.

Unique and Absurd 2D Illustrations

Bright colors, unusual angles, and absurd proportions in illustrations can make your app stand out. While minimalism is key, don’t shy away from being bold and distinctive with illustrations​​.

Voice User Interface (VUI)

Incorporating VUI can greatly enhance the user experience. It’s particularly useful in translation or voice control apps and can impress customers with its innovation​​.

how to make fitness app
Fitness App Design Conept, Source: Dribbble


This style, characterized by a delicate and airy appearance with pastel hues and minimal contrast, can add a modern and elegant touch to your app. It’s perfect for creating a light and simple design that focuses on content​​.

Mobile-First Approach

Given the vast number of mobile users, designing with a mobile-first approach is crucial. Ensure your app looks and functions perfectly on mobile devices to maximize user accessibility and engagement​​.

Key Features of a Fitness App

When deciding how to make a fitness app, it’s crucial to include features that will make your app stand out. Here are some essential features to consider:

  1. User profile: This is where users can personalize their experience by entering information like age, weight, fitness level, and goals.
  2. Workout plans: Provide detailed workout plans tailored to the user’s fitness level and goals.
  3. Nutrition plans: Include meal plans and food tracking features to help users manage their diet.
  4. Activity tracking: This feature enables users to track their physical activities and monitor their progress.
  5. Social features: Allow users to share their progress, participate in challenges, and connect with other users.
  6. Notifications: Send reminders and motivational messages to keep users engaged.
  7. Integration with other apps and devices: Connect with wearables and other fitness apps to provide a comprehensive fitness tracking experience.
how to make a fitness app 1
Launch Your Fitness App Vision – Let’s Create Digital Excellence Together!

The Cost of Building a Fitness App

The cost of developing a fitness app in 2024 is influenced by various factors, including the type of app, target audience, platforms, features, design, team, and geographic location of the development team. Here’s a comprehensive overview:

Overview of Fitness App Development Costs

Cost Influencing Factors

  1. App Type and Scale: Simple apps, like meditation apps, are cheaper to develop than complex ones with gamification and fitness routines. The size of your target audience also impacts the cost.
  2. Target Audience: The specific needs of your audience, such as yoga practitioners versus fitness enthusiasts, determine the features and thus the cost.
  3. Platform Compatibility: Choosing between iOS, Android, or cross-platform affects the development cost. Cross-platform development is generally more cost-effective.
  4. Features and Functionality: More advanced features like AI-powered workout recommendations and social media integrations increase the cost.
  5. Design and UX: A custom, user-friendly design adds to the cost but is crucial for user engagement.
  6. Development Team: The cost varies based on whether you hire in-house, outsource, or choose freelancers, and on their geographic location.
  7. Additional Costs: Hosting, security, marketing strategies, and app maintenance also contribute to the overall budget.

Development Approach

  • Native Apps (iOS/Android): Offer the best performance but are the most expensive, costing between $30,000 to $150,000 per platform.
  • Cross-Platform Apps: More cost-effective, ranging from $20,000 to $100,000, depending on complexity.

Feature-Specific Costs

  • Basic features like login and activity tracking are less expensive.
  • Advanced features, such as gamification and on-demand videos, can cost several thousand dollars.

Design Costs

  • Wireframing, prototyping, and visual design impact the total cost, with each element ranging from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars.

Global Cost Variation

  • Development costs vary by country, with higher hourly rates in regions like the USA and Australia, and lower rates in countries like India.

Estimated Total Cost

  • A basic fitness app can cost around $25,000-$30,000.
  • More complex apps with advanced features can range from $60,000 to $160,000.
  • Cross-platform development for both iOS and Android can start at around $30,000 and go upwards depending on features.

Comparison Table: Development Costs by Approach

Cost FactorDescriptionCost RangeNotes
App Development Approach– Native (iOS/Android)$30,000 – $150,000Per platform. Provides the best performance but is costlier.
– Cross-Platform$20,000 – $100,000More cost-effective, single codebase for multiple platforms.
Features– Basic (Login, User Profile, Activity Tracking)$150 – $300Per feature, for basic features.
– Intermediate (Social Media Integration, Personalized Recommendations)VariesCosts increase with complexity.
– Advanced (AI-Powered Recommendations, Wearable Integration)Several Thousand DollarsHighly complex features.
Design and UX– Wireframing$450 – $1,200Early stage design costs.
– Prototype$450 – $1,500For detailed app visualization.
– Visual Design$1,800 – $2,100Final design implementation based on platform guidelines.
Geographic Variation in Costs– US$70/hrHigher hourly rates for developers.
– Australia$70/hrSimilar to US rates.
– India$15 – $25/hrLower hourly rates, more cost-effective.
Additional Costs– Market Research$1,500 – $5,000Initial phase to understand the market and audience.
– App Maintenance & SupportVariesOngoing costs depending on the complexity and user traffic.
– Security MeasuresVariesEssential for protecting user data.
– Marketing StrategiesVariesDependent on the chosen marketing channels.
Overall Estimated Total Cost– Basic Fitness App$25,000 – $30,000For a simple app with basic features.
– Complex Fitness App with Advanced Features$60,000 – $160,000For an app with advanced features and functionalities.


  • The costs are approximate and can vary based on the specific requirements of the fitness app.
  • The development approach, choice of features, and design complexity are major factors influencing the total cost.
  • Geographic location of the development team significantly impacts hourly rates and thus the overall budget.
  • Additional costs like marketing and maintenance can add to the total expenditure.

In summary, the cost of developing a fitness app varies significantly based on the chosen approach, features, design, and other factors. It’s essential to carefully plan and budget for all aspects of app development to align with your objectives and target audience

Monetizing Your Fitness App

There are several ways to monetize your fitness app. These include:

  1. Paid downloads: Users pay a one-time fee to download your app.
  2. In-app purchases: Users can buy additional features, premium content, or virtual goods within the app.
  3. Subscriptions: Users pay a recurring fee to access premium features or content.
  4. Advertisements: You can display ads within your app and earn revenue from advertisers.
  5. Sponsorships or partnerships: Partner with fitness brands or influencers and earn money by promoting their products or services.

Subscription-Based Services


Subscription models involve users paying a recurring fee to access premium features or content. This model is highly effective for apps that are frequently updated with new features or exclusive content.

Profit Calculation Example

  • Scenario: Let’s assume your app offers a monthly subscription at $10.
  • User Base: If you have 5,000 subscribers, your monthly revenue would be 5,000 users x $10 = $50,000.
  • Annual Revenue: Multiplying the monthly revenue by 12 gives an annual revenue of $600,000.

Profit Calculation Table

Number of SubscribersMonthly Subscription FeeMonthly RevenueAnnual Revenue

In-App Purchases


In-app purchases allow users to buy additional features, content, or virtual goods within the app. It’s suitable for offering specific value-added services or content.

Profit Calculation Example

  • Scenario: An additional workout plan is sold at $5.
  • Purchases: If 2,000 users make a purchase, the revenue would be 2,000 purchases x $5 = $10,000.

Profit Calculation Table

Number of PurchasesCost per PurchaseTotal Revenue

Freemium Model


The freemium model provides a basic version of the app for free with the option to purchase premium features. It’s ideal for attracting a large user base and then converting a fraction to paying customers.

Profit Calculation Example

  • Scenario: 10% of 10,000 users upgrade to a premium version at $15.
  • Upgrades: 1,000 users upgrading yields 1,000 x $15 = $15,000.

Profit Calculation Table

Total UsersPercentage UpgradingUpgrade FeeTotal Revenue



Displaying ads in the app can be a source of revenue. The revenue depends on the ad model used (e.g., pay-per-click or pay-per-view).

Profit Calculation Example

  • Scenario: If your app has 50,000 daily active users and the average revenue per ad impression is $0.01.
  • Ad Revenue: Assuming each user views 5 ads per day, daily revenue would be 50,000 users x 5 ads x $0.01 = $2,500.

Profit Calculation Table

Daily Active UsersAds Viewed per User/DayRevenue per AdDaily Revenue

Sponsored Content and Partnerships


Collaborating with brands for sponsored content or partnerships can generate revenue. The amount depends on the deal with the sponsoring brand.

Profit Calculation Example

  • Scenario: A fitness brand pays $5,000 for a sponsored challenge in the app.
  • Number of Campaigns: If you run 2 campaigns per month, the monthly revenue is 2 x $5,000 = $10,000.

Profit Calculation Table

Number of Campaigns/MonthRevenue per CampaignMonthly Revenue

Each of these strategies has its unique advantages and can be combined to create a diverse revenue stream for a fitness app. The key is to balance user experience with revenue generation to maintain user engagement and satisfaction.

Wrapping Up

Building a fitness app is a complex but rewarding endeavor. With the right idea, a dedicated team, and a clear understanding of the market, you can create a fitness app that stands out in the crowded app market. Remember, the key to a successful fitness app is meeting the needs of your users and providing a seamless and engaging fitness experience.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the process of how to make a fitness app with confidence and clarity. So, lace up your shoes, flex your creative muscles, and start building an app that revolutionizes the fitness experience. The road to fitness app success awaits!